As a victim of crime, you may be entitled to financial assistance from the Victims of Crime Assistance Tribunal (VOCAT). You can still apply to VOCAT even if the offender has not been identified, charged or convicted. VOCAT claims are independent to any criminal trial.
You may also be entitled to make a claim with TAC (if the crime involved a motor vehicle) and WorkCover (if the crime occurred at a place of employment).
You may also seek compensation from the offender of the crime. If a court finds a person guilty and convicts a person of an offence then the offender may personally pay you compensation of an amount as the court sees fit. The application must be commenced within 12 months after the offender has been found guilty. An extension of time may be given under exceptional circumstances.
You may also seek compensation through civil court action, under common law, within 3 years from the date of act of violence.